About Us


What we do for International Hospitals and Clinics Abroad


FindaDoc provides free access to over 1,500,000 doctors, dentists and chiropractors in the U.S.A and Canada. Finding the right doctor, in our opinion, is the gateway to the best care. A local or global search for a specialist can yield several hundred doctors from our huge database. The FindADoc solution is a Featured Doc subscription. For a modest monthly fee, a Featured Doc subscription provides the following benefits:

  • Global Travel: when value for money is important -  expensive dental work, plastic surgery, bariatric surgery or joint replacement - the whole world is your market place.
  • Thousands of global travelers search FindADoc International database each month. Our Featured Hospitals are found first.
  • Thousands of USA hospitals also listed for foreign medical tourists
  • Featured Hospitals are highlighted and listed first


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