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After your initial check-up with the doctor, you will receive the diagnosis and start the road to recovery. You will also get a prescription and have the choice to buy the medicines on your own. If you decide to purchase online, there are different pharmacies available. You can even buy antibiotics online. It's a stress-free and smooth transaction, and you will receive the prescribed medicines in no time. Once you start your medical intake, you expect to feel better. If not, you have to consider seeing your doctor. These are the signs to take into account.

You have recent symptoms

If you started forming symptoms after starting the medicine use, it's a problem. You might have an allergic reaction or other issues as a result of your pills.

Before things worsen, you have to go to your doctor. The symptoms can mean a lot of things. It could be due to your medicine intake, but it can also be a different illness. Only a doctor can provide a complete diagnosis.

Nothing happens after a while 

Once you already started taking your medicines, you expect to feel a bit better. If nothing happens after a while, you need to tell your doctor about it. Sure, you won’t recover overnight, but it won't take too long for things to happen. If it has been

weeks or months and nothing changes, you need to tell your doctor about it. The good thing is that some physicians will give you the exact date to have a follow-up check-up.

Previous symptoms worsen

If you already have previous symptoms, and they got worse even if you started taking the medicine, it's a reason to see your doctor. You might have an incorrect diagnosis, and your pills aren't doing anything to help you feel better.

There are complications with other drugs 

It's crucial, to be honest about your illness. It helps your doctor in giving the right medicines. If you develop complications because you're under medication for a different reason, it's a problem. You have to go back to your doctor and tell the truth. Otherwise, your current medicines will only worsen the situation.

You want a different type of medicine

If you feel uncomfortable with your current medicine, you can inform your physician about it. Some of them might provide alternatives to what you’re currently taking. Some doctors will give a different brand, while others will lower the dosage. It depends on what your body is capable of. If there are no alternative medicines, your doctor will tell you the truth.

The point is that just because you’re starting to take medicines doesn’t mean he will soon recover. It’s a journey, and it will take time. It also requires you to be in constant communication with your physician. If scheduled for a follow-up check-up, you have to be there. It also helps if you have the financial capability to see your doctor. Otherwise, you will hesitate to get help even if you need to.


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Gerond Lake-Bakaar, MD. PhD

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Gerond V. Lake-Bakaar, M.D., PhD.

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If you’ve worked as a physician for a number of years, chances are you’re familiar with locum tenens work. Latin for temporary work, it’s becoming more and more common in the healthcare industry due to the advantages that it holds over a traditional career in medicine. In fact, facilities in both rural and urban areas alike have begun making use of those working in locums to fill in the gaps with shortages in staff to ensure that they’re able to keep pace with their patient numbers.

No matter what phase of your career you’re in, be it being fresh out of residency or on your way to retirement, being a locum tenens yields many benefits. Because of this, many are choosing to opt for recruitment agencies like And in this article, we’ll explore some of them so you can decide whether it is something worth considering. Continue reading if you want to learn more.

  1. Offers a more focused career

One of the most challenging aspects of being a healthcare professional is the amount of administrative duties that it entails. Apart from being tedious, it also takes some time for doctors away for their patients. It is for this reason that many often get burned out from the job. But through locum tenens, this becomes a non-issue. Since you won’t have to deal with the paperwork, you’ll be able to spend more time on your practice. It may not be a big deal, but you’ll find how much easier it makes the job as a result.

  1. Gives freedom to travel

Another advantage that comes with the lifestyle of locum tenens is that it presents doctors with the opportunity in exploring many places, meeting new people, and experiencing different healthcare environments. Depending on the assignment, you may have to travel to various locations. And in doing so, you’ll be able to expose yourself to various cultures. If the freedom of traveling is something you’re interested in, then choosing to work in locums might be the thing for you.

  1. Presents professionals with flexible schedules

Time is a rare and valuable commodity for any healthcare specialist. More often than not, many professionals end up exhausted and burned out due to the unreasonable amount of work that they have to handle regularly. If you decide to shift to locum tenens work, however, you’ll enjoy a more flexible schedule. Beyond being given the option of selecting which assignments to get, you’ll also be able to negotiate for the duration too. What this means is that you’ll have more time for yourself, be it to engage in an enjoyable activity, enjoy the company of family or friends, or care for loved ones.

It’s easy to see why locum tenens physicians are becoming more and more common in the healthcare industry. After all, it offers medical professionals more benefits than a more conventional career does. Even with the challenges that it presents medical specialists, the pros of switching to locums outweigh the cons.


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